Postdoc Candidates
Being a postdoc in a newly established and growing lab provides you with unique opportunities to advance your career
As a postdoc you will be given the space and resources to establish your own ideas and techniques. Thus, you can create your own unique brand to carry with you in the next phase. In addition to this autonomy, your input and feedback will help develop future research areas in our lab.
We are an ambitious team looking to take on challenges and do not shy away from bold ideas and high risk, high reward projects. You will also have a major impact in shaping the lab’s culture and approach to science for future years.
As a more senior member of our research group, you will be expected to take on a bigger leadership role that will also teach you how to mentor and grow a lab.
You will benefit from more dedicated facetime with your PI, and the two of you will work together to advance your career. You will also have the rare chance to observe how the tenure process works! Having been a very recent postdoc that successfully navigated the academic job market, Bushra has insight that will be valuable if academia is your goal.
To Apply
Please email Bushra a cover letter describing your prior/current research work & interest in joining the Raj lab, your CV, and contact information for three references. Candidates are expected to have established a strong PhD research program that demonstrates independence, critical thinking & productivity.
More information about postdoctoral life and career at the Perelman School of Medicine at Penn can be found here.