Lab News
Winter 2022 rotation
We have a new member joining our lab for their winter rotation:
S Fallarcaro is a first year CAMB/DSRB student
Welcome S!
Lab holiday celebration
To celebrate the end of the year and surviving 6 months of being a new lab, we went to Wax + Wine, a candle making BYOB bar in Center City. Their Scent Cellar is stocked with over 75 fragrances, including several seasonal scents.
Invited Seminar at UofT
Bushra was invited to give a talk for the Department of Cell & Systems Biology at the University of Toronto. She presented her work on leveraging single-cell genomics and barcoding technologies to investigate zebrafish CNS development.
Hannah joins the lab
Hannah Doll is the first member of our lab. She comes from Haverford College, where she majored in Biology and worked with zebrafish in Roshan Jain’s lab. Hannah is our lab technician and manager.
Welcome Hannah!
The Raj lab is open
After navigating the Schier lab at Harvard closing its doors in 2021 and a pandemic that made it very difficult to find anything in stock, Bushra made it to UPenn, Perelman School of Medicine to start her own lab in the department of Cell and Developmental Biology.